NIZO’s Q3/2024 Offer: 1-day Extrusion Trial – Unlock the texture black box of your alternative protein ingredient

You want to bring your plant-based dream product to market but have questions about its texture:

“Will the new ingredient texturize? You need a quick extrusion to know.
You want to test your new ingredient in extrusion to get more insights for decision making
You are not ready for (CAPEX) commitment and only need a 1-day trial
You need to make some food-grade HMMA in a very short time…”

All these questions will be answered by our Q3 limited offer: NIZO 1-day Extrusion Trial – Unlock the texture black box of your alternative protein ingredient
Get valuable insights into your ingredients' extrudability in just 1 day!

>> Fill in the form to download the brochure 

Ben van der Deen

Ben van der Deen

Business Development Manager
M: +31 (0) 6 533 394 73

Download the brochure
